Business Consulting
Business Consulting
Experience in mentoring and guiding businesses/ start-ups in the last few years. Towards this, I will use my intuition, insights, astrology of the place, numerology of the date the endeavor was started, business chart, the alignment of the person with the business, ancestral desires, omens (Nimitta) and more.
Needed details:
Date of birth, place of birth-preferably with latitude and longitude, Time of birth (if possible, exact), to calculate the chart. Please provide this in the customer notes. You can also add a short write-up of which specific area of analysis, you prefer. Thank you.🙂
$120/ session. Phone call or 3-4 page PDF as per the client wish. Details can be sent to
Amount of Time – One week.
It is a consulting and mentoring service. All sales are final. No returns or refunds.
The Vedic chart is drawn using the free astrological software Jagannatha Hora Version 8.0 (